

视觉传达专业 中英文介绍

    17.06.2016 08:49:21           浏览数:0


Visual Communication Design: Art class, the code 130502
Running conditions: existing 10 professional teachers, associate professor 3; 9 teachers with a master's degree. Has a screen printing laboratory, art gallerygraphics , workstations, equipment worth more than 1 million, has 10 stable off-campus practice bases. College master's degree awarding two disciplines: urban landscape art and urban public art, visual and digital landscape art research, post-graduate studies in the fields of expertise. Has a partnership with the United States and South Korea, Higher State Art Institute, conduct mutual recognition of credits or academic exchanges.
Main results: teachers in recent 5 years bear provinces and cities 10 research projects, 7 research topic, 2 published monographs textbooks, published academic papers and works more than 100 pieces, won various awards over 50 times, students in the national, provincial and municipal professional design competition winning over 120 times.
The main course: logo design, CI design, poster design, advertising design, packaging design, book binding, web design, font design, graphic design, computer aided design, layout and design.
Training objectives: training students to master the system of visual communication design theories, methods and skills, with advanced design ideas, creative thinking and keen artistic ability, capable of visual communication design of application type high level professional personnel engaged in the corresponding cultural and creative industries.

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